Friday, May 6, 2016


Just one last post, as I feel like I ended my recovery as of today. 

Why? Running. My first run since January when I shifted to fast walking to prevent high pressure in the left atrium. 

It was interval training, one minute running followed by a 90 second walk, repeated eight times, but it was a run. Many surprised muscles but not always the ones you'd expect. And surprisingly easy to do. I remember doing this same C25k program when I started running two years ago, and every workout kicked my ass. While I was tired at the end of this first run back, it wasn't nearly as hard as it was the first time or as I'd expected. I may be back to running 5k by the middle of July. 

Next Tuesday will be eight weeks, five days after that will be two months. But I'm no longer ticking off seconds, just miles.