Friday, March 4, 2016

Past Is Present

Im a little less than two weeks away from my second heart surgery, and I've set up this blog as a way to get information to any and all interested parties. 

First, thank you for your good thoughts. I've gone through this before and will do so again, but every little bit counts.

We are off to San Francisco on Monday to celebrate our 30th anniversary, then a family gathering to celebrate Q1 birthdays. After that, I have pre-op work done Monday, Marxh 14th, and in at 0'dark 30 on the 15th for the actual surgery. If this goes like last time, we should be through surgery by the late afternoon and out of the infection danger zone 24 hours later. I'll be good for visitors if you really want to make the trek out to St Vincent's on Friday, family can come sooner. Just be aware that I Amy or may not be awake at any given instant, even if we're in the middle of a conversation.

Mel will keep you posted on this blog the first couple of days, I will take over once I've recovered enough to have a clue. That comes pretty quickly, last time I felt like I my brain was functioning by the fourth day of my stay, ready to go home at the end of the fifth day. 

Mel will be in charge of visitors for the first two weeks, you should have gotten her contact info in the email about this blog. 

We have decided not to do Meal Train this time, as Mel isn't working and will not have a broken foot. If she needs help she will make specific requests. That said, we will probably need some assistance from time to time, and we will simply ask visitors for help as appropriate. We know people like to be helpful, so there will be small things to do. Visitors help break up the day for me, especially during the first month when I'm still not able to get around easily, any excuse to spend time with friends and family is good!

I will post again after my pre-work on the 14th with any new info.

I feel very positive about this surgery, I'm certainly ecstatic to discover that my lifestyle changes did what they were intended to do vis a vis my arterioschlerosis, and I wouldn't have that information if I didn't have to have this other valve replaced. That said, I'm auite ready for this t be my last major medical event for a while. Just sayin'.

Thanks for playing along at home!


1 comment:

  1. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled, and do not be afraid.
    -John 14:27

    Be Well, Doug

    Godspeed for a successful surgery and a quick and uneventful recovery

    ......and then, NO MORE of this business!!!

